His Brimstone's shorter range can be increased with range up items or pills.
Without the long-range version, his mini-brimstone won't have enough length to use any homing items. Collecting three items from this set will transform Isaac into Leviathan.
This item belongs to the Leviathan set.Tears down: Tear Delay × 3 / Fire Rate ÷ 3.Charge Time (s) = 1 30 ( R o u n d u p ( Tear Delay) ) ≈ 1 Fire Rate.Brimstone ticks 9 times in ~0.63 seconds (38 frames).Brimstone ticks 13 times over the course of 0.9 seconds (54 frames).However after the first damage tick, there is an additional pause for ~0.12 seconds (7 frames). These ticks occur every 1/15th of a second (once every 4 frames).The laser deals damage equal to Isaac's damage and deals damage each tick.The beam is piercing and spectral, dealing damage to all enemies and ignoring all obstacles in its path. Isaac's tears are replaced with a charged blood laser beam.